Subject’s time Allocation
For me this university, XXX, give an enough time for us to do other activities besides studying at campus. We still can have a time for our organization or other activities. We can do this at night or at Saturday and Sunday, and some student have one day again for holiday every week. I think it’s enough for do the activities that we want.If we compare this time allocation with the other universities, we still lucky, because we have more free time than them, we just have a little practical work or lab work like them.
But for me, there are one thime sharing that XXX need to change. We know that this university, XXX, give us a schedule that we must come to campus earliest at 08.00 a.m. and back to home longest at 04.30. p.m. with this schedule, many respons had given by the student, some student like this schedule because they can start come to campus earliest just at 08.00 a clock. So, they can do anything at morning before going to campus. May be for take a sleep again or wash the clothes. But some other student, have a problem with this schedule. What is it? Ok, If we look more details again in the schedule, we found that averagely the schedule began in 08.00 to 10.30. the next at 11.00 to 13.30. and the last schedule at 14.00 to 16.30.
We can look that if we have a full schedule in one day, we just have 30 minutes to take a rest, to have lunch may be, or to shalat. May be many people think this time is enough to do both of this. May be we can have a 15 minutes for shalat, and 15 minutes for have a lunch. But in the fact, many student can’t do both of this. Because many student want to do the activity like us. So it make the place is very crowded. We need more time for shalat. And too impossible to have a lunch after that. Because we need much time for queue up to have a lunch. And I think most of student just can do one of this if they have a free time before start studying again.
I think we need to change this time sharing. Besides most of student don’t have enough time to shalat and have a lunch, the time for shalat is too late. And if in the class we have any problem so we can’t take a rest on time, our time to shalat is too late again. We as a human, we have a limited brain, after studying at least 2,5 hours, our mind need to have a break time before ready to studying again. There are several option if we want to need the time sharing. the first, it can change may be start studying at 07.00 a.m. or at 06.30 a.m. for the example we start studying at 07.00 a clock, we have a time one hours earlier than before. So if we have three two times for a free time, our free time can added by 30 minutes. Or may be we can start studying at 07.30. a.m. we can add our time allocation for take a rest by 15 minutes. I think it is enough to have a lunch and shalat.
In statistics data, many other university can start studying earlier than XXX, for example YYY university and ZZZ university, they can start studying at 06.30 a.m. I think XXX can do like them. And now, I’m waiting for the change.
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